How to learn to play CS:GO
One of the main questions that worries all newcomers to Counter Strike – how to learn how to play CS:GO? This article will be useful not only for new recruits who just installed the game, but for those who are frozen in place by their skill and can’t raise their rank in any way. Well, let’s not hesitate and get started! It’s also worth saying that you can find a lot of interesting things at the website.
How do I train my skill?
There are a lot of variations of training your skill, the most effective – it’s playing on CSDM servers and training with bots specially created for these maps. It is advisable to combine both methods to achieve the maximum effect. But do not spend too much time on it, 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening will be enough.
As for CSDM, everything is clear, choose any server and play, they are a little different. And the map for the bots, which is better, because there are hundreds? At the moment – it’s aim_training-reflex-spray-1-taps-dev. Some kind of strange name, but okay. Map is very large, and on it you will be able to train not only the shooting, but other skills.
Main mistakes of beginners
There are many mistakes that newcomers make, but now we would like to discuss only the main ones, because of which they can’t learn how to play normally:
- Constant buying to zero. If the financial situation of your team is pretty sad, there is no need to run around with guns and armor every round, save up once and buy a normal weapon.
- Single-player game. Do not forget that Counter Strike: Global Offensive is a team game, and besides you, there are 4 more of your partner. Give them information, try to cheer them up when they fail, because shouting does not make it easier neither for you, nor for your teammates.
- Long Range Clamping. Clamping down at long range isn’t going to do you any good. It’s better to shoot one bullet at a time, making steps to the right and to the left. Believe me, it’s much more effective.
- Buying the best weapons instead of armor. If you don’t have enough money for both your favorite weapon and armor, you shouldn’t buy only weapons without armor. This is extremely stupid, better buy some P90 and full armor, it will be much more effective. However, if you play for CT, you can refuse from the helmet on a low budget – anyway you can be killed in the head with 1 shot.

Map Orientation and Plan of Action
Another fairly important factor that everyone forgets about. There are some tips hard to give, just try not to be banal and try to be always one step ahead of your opponent. Watching the matches between professional teams is an invaluable experience. Also, do not rush to run first into battle, but learn to listen to other people’s steps and navigate under them, thinking through your plan of action and ambushing the enemy around the corner. Especially if you are a counter-terrorist and your task is to guard the plant.
This is a very underestimated factor, which for some reason everyone forgets about and does not pay proper attention to. Of course, someone might object, saying that they can easily play on office devices, but think about it, why then doesn’t any professional player play on them? Because the full potential of office devices can not be revealed.
No one is forcing you to buy an expensive keyboard, monitor and so on, but you must have in your arsenal – a good mouse. A mouse that’s comfortable in your hand, that doesn’t tear off the sensor and that won’t let you down at an important moment. The inexpensive and good quality mice we can recommend are Bloody and Logitech. If you have other questions, try to find the answers here.