Why you need Instagram followers
Getting subscribers on Instagram paid and inexpensive – this is a great opportunity to earn an attractive amount of money, which can be measured in thousands of dollars. In this case, all advertising publications can be divided into several types:
- An ordinary promotional post – in other words, presenting a product or service with the best side with a personal “plus” mark. And as practice shows, the proposal may not be any unique or special, the main thing is a flattering review.
- Advertising in stories – as opposed to promotional posts, it can be sold much more. After all, it makes no sense to dilute the general stream with ordinary stories, which is not the case with published posts. Moreover, it is possible to tell stories at the same time about spending time in certain establishments, attending events or using specific products.
- Interaction with other account holders. They will contact you and offer their cooperation conditions. You will be left to analyze the offer and make a decision.

Subscribers on Instagram at first sight may seem to be not a significant indicator of the success of the profile, but in fact it is not so. Today, all well-known companies are making a huge amount of money by offering their products to the target audience through social networks, being always on the lips of potential customers. As a profile owner, active followers are very much needed. They contribute to the flow of passive income into the hands of the owners through good promotional offers. Interested in this point, you will not have to solve the question of how to add subscribers, because the specialists at https://poprey.com/instagram_followers have thought of everything, and are ready to provide you with quality and fast resources right now.
Get subscribers to Instagram safely

Social networks have hardened their rules and closely monitor such actions.Of course, trusting a proven service, you can be absolutely calm, but still the basic rules would be nice to know. And here they are:
- The limit on subscriptions and unsubscriptions is no more than 60 times per hour, or 1450 per day.
- With the likes an identical situation, ie, per hour you can leave no more than 60 likes.
- As for comments, the situation is in the same limits as the previous points.In this case, attention should be paid to the quality of comments themselves, you should not allow them to monotonous type of words.
- At one time you can mention no more than 5 other users.
- Publish someone else’s photo or video, do not forget about mentioning its author with an “@”, otherwise there will be a complaint for borrowing other people’s material.
- Officially it is forbidden to sell your accounts on Instagram or transfer them into the possession of third parties.
- It is also forbidden to use the domain of the site to write your name.
- Threats, insults, and promotion of violence and drugs are prohibited.
- As for the video Instagram has the following requirements: the duration of the video should not exceed 2 minutes, the video signature can not exceed 2100 characters.
- As for the photos, the situation is similar: the photo caption should fit in 2200 characters. Up to 30 hashtags are allowed.
- To avoid being caught for spam, it’s not desirable to leave comments on other people’s posts more than 13 times during one hour.
- The situation with messaging is more complicated, since it is often for such actions that users get blocked. To avoid this, it is recommended not to exceed the limit of 100 pieces for subscribers, and 30 for other users.
If a little earlier it was possible just to buy live instagram followers and likes, without thinking about the possible consequences, today everything has changed.